Saturday, November 14, 2015

October in my crazy Chilean life

Well, well, well...Look who's back! Sorry for not posting in SO LONG, I have just been SO BUSY! But I am well, safe and happy, so don't worry! I have so many things that I would love to post and share with you all, so I am going to be posting more often in order to get a little more caught up. That's the idea, we'll see if that really happens in my crazy Chilean life. :)

1. I have to let you know that there is another American at my school! She is in the other homeroom of my grade, so we don't always have classes together, but we do have a few. Her name is Morgan, and she is from Ohio. We always talk in Spanish, even though none of our classmates can understand why, hahaha...even when we went shopping at the mall one day we spoke in Spanish the whole time. In general I try to avoid talking in English when I'm out and about (especially when I'm alone) because I would rather not have everyone be alerted to the fact that I am a "gringa". But anyway, I would like to encourage you to check out Morgan's blog if you have a moment, because she posts about different sorts of things with all her exciting, different experiences she's had, and she's also much more faithful in her posting. ;) The link is:
Here are some pictures of us exploring the mall when I needed to run some errands a while ago :)
 An alpaca store...
 One example of the millions of American stores and restaurants...I could have forgotten I was Chile.
Other pictures with Morgan (as long as we're on the subject ;))

Picture with Ro, Consu, Morgan and me. :) Friends from school/Schoenstatt :D

2. My birthday! I turned 18 on October 17th, by the way. Last year I was in Germany celebrating the 100th birthday of Schoenstatt, and thought every birthday after that would be such a let down haha. I was very wrong. This year I went on a 27 km foot pilgrimage called "La Caminata de Santa Teresita" :) It is allegedly the route that St Teresa of the Andes walked when she entered the carmelites. There were SO MANY PEOPLE!! It was awesome. I went with a group of Schoenstatt Girls Youth, which was super fun. I think it was the first birthday when I got sunburnt :D Here are some pictures :)

So they dumped a bag of confetti on my head...

There were several stands along the way, including one for Schoenstatt! It was kind of a low key stand when we arrived... Then I found myself on the stage, with my phone plugged in playing Schoenstatt music, and my friends and I dancing and singing in the microphone...well, one more thing in my crazy Chilean life haha
 My turn to carry the pilgrim MTA :) <3
At the end of the trek! :D

Many more things to post! I will try to touch back again soon <3 Big hug from Chile!!!


1 comment:

  1. I feel so honored to have a generous section of your blog post dedicated to me! Haha! ;*
