Monday, November 30, 2015

Jubilee! Jubilee!

Part of why the last month and a half have been so busy and why I haven’t been posting very consistently is because on November 18th, 2015, our shrine here in Providencia, Cenáculo de la Providencia (Cenacle of Providence) celebrated 25 years, the silver jubilee! The weeks prior were absolutely crazy—we had rehearsals nearly every day for one choir or another. On the bright side, I couldn’t be bored, I learned more songs, and I have gotten really close to those who are in the various choirs with me. On the other hand, it was very exhausting! But it was all capital of grace, offering the work for and to God through the hands of his Mother in her little shrine here in Providencia. 😊

The jubilee week started for me on Saturday, November 14th. In the later afternoon, the girls’ youth gathered at the shrine for our special overnighter—our coronation overnighter!! High school and university youth alike, we united for one great goal: to crown our queen in the Cenacle, “Queen of Faithfulness”. Late at night we all gathered outside the shrine for the special ceremony. Those girls who didn’t have their own little crown received one as a symbol of our international striving as Schoenstatt Girls’ Youth. 

Our international ideal is “Living Crown for the Church”! That is, through the way we live our lives we want to become Mary’s living crown, crowning her by the way we strive to resemble her image of purity, faithfulness and nobility as children of our God and King. Those of us who already had an RTA (The special crown of the Schoenstatt Girls’ Youth, the letters stand for the Latin “Reginae Ter Admirabilis”, or “Queen Thrice Admirable”) received ours again. Since I was silly and somehow left mine in the US, I (re)conquered a medal that I always wear of the same symbol. It is my reminder, always with me and close to my heart, to live my life in a way that Mary would, to the honor and glory of God.

That night we slept on the gym floor of my school, and spent the Sunday sharing amongst ourselves in various ways, and still celebrating the coronation from the night before.

Little queens!

My RTA once again on my chain...and of course my dear Ver Sacrum Patris, Holy Springtime of the Father USA Schoenstatt Girls' Youth is always with me in spirit.

Bedtime ;) (si ves esta, te quiero Javi jajaja y tu tambien Sofi ;) :-*)

"Crown for crown, love for love, faithfulness for faithfulness!" -J. Kentenich

Reina de la Fidelidad ~ Queen of Faithfulness

On the evening of Sunday the 15th we had the “cantata” and “teatro de sombras”, basically a shadow play with narration and songs. I was in the music group, singing and playing (not at the same time, I can’t do that very well hehe…). Everyone said it was a beautiful tribute and a success!
The next morning at school those of us who were at the overnighter and who were part of the presentation were basically the walking dead, but the week wasn’t close to over yet, it was only Monday!

That evening, while I was sleeping, having gone to bed early, there was a home shrine/heart shrine renewal at the shrine. I heard it was well attended and lovely. 

On Tuesday night at 8pm, we had a vigil with adoration in anticipation of the great day that was to follow! It was very simple, yet beautiful. I played violin, naturally, haha. Afterwards, my Chilean mamá and I stayed helping a few sisters clean and set up the shrine for the following (jubilee!!) day until very late. But it was so worth it!! Nothing better than getting to clean the shrine J

Shrine cleaningggg

Shrine cleaning selfie haha

Finally, Wednesday, November 18th had arrived! The big day! My Chilean papas are in charge of the ‘pastoral’ of the shrine, so they had had just as many, if not more, meetings as I had rehearsals in the days and weeks preceding, and the day itself proved to be just as busy! In honor of the occasion and all the work there was to do, I came home from school early (at 9:30 am…why did I even go…?) to help, and barely stopped moving until long after the evening celebration had already ended. Decorating the outside, setting up chairs, helping pick up a special cake one of the ladies had made, making signs, and doing many things that I can’t remember. It was beautifully busy.

At last at 8pm the Mass started. Later it was estimated that 800 people came, it was literally overflowing. Two cardinals, 13 priests and a deacon led us all in prayer and celebration, while our choir, “Gran Coro Gran” (more on that in another post, I hope) led the music. All our hard work had at last come to fruition, and we were happy.

Gran Coro Gran

More Gran Coro Gran

The little girls (apóstoles) spiritually conquered and received their new banner! Antonella, my little chilean sister is the second from the left.

Full swing celebration!!
Several sisters from the house here at the school/shrine, not all.

Shining with jubilee joy jaja...and freezing. Oh goodness, it was so cold that night.

The following day I stayed home from school again to help clean up everything, which was also fun. I like doing these sort of things. A funny thing, but yesterday I was talking with mi mama chilena and she was saying how they were so worried before I came that I would be bored out of my mind because they are always in meetings and activities in Schoenstatt, at the shrine. Little did they know that I would end up getting nearly as involved as they are (and enjoying it even more, perhaps!).
Needless to say, it was a very blessed and grace-filled time of preparation and celebration, and we are still rejoicing in our hearts!
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…” (Lk 1:46)

<3 Abby

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