Saturday, November 28, 2015

Gringa Goals = us

Dear lovely people,
Happy Advent!! Only 4 weeks left to prepare our hearts for the coming of our Infant King!!
There is so so much I want to write and share but I never find time!!!! Please say a prayer that I can find time to share all that I want to share here on my blog before coming home in 2 weeks!!  Can you believe that the time has passed so quickly?!
Anyway, today I had the pleasure of spending the morning with my friend Morgan, about whom I wrote in my last post (blog link here). We decided to write a post together. :) So here goes.
[note about the term "gringo/a". Sometimes I'm totally fine when people call me gringa, sometimes it's kind of offensive because it can have a negative connotation, rather stereotypical and judgemental depending on the person and circumstance. But I do refer to myself as gringa at times because it is simpler that "estadunidense" and I can make fun of myself. But I prefer to call myself gringa than for others to call me gringa, in general. FYI.]

Special post alert! In celebration of Thanksgiving, two gringas got together one day to create some good ole fashioned apple pie (spoiler alert: It was a success!).
While our families were feasting on a delectable Thanksgiving dinner in Hartland, Wisconsin, we found ourselves here in Santiago in school (explanation: Our families both happened to be celebrating Thanksgiving at our grandmas' houses, coincidentally in Hartland but have never met each other before. Yet.)
We were also unable to go to a Thanksgiving meal with other exchange students as we had hoped, but we didn’t let that stop us from baking some amazing apple pie. Mind you it was completely from scratch. Despite the challenges, we were completely victorious in our efforts.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, why not list a few things that we are thankful for? :)
  • Family near and far - Chileans and Americans
  • Good background music to motivate us while baking
  • The end of the school year (here)/semester
  • Safety
  • WiFi
  • Spring (blue skies, green grass, and lots of flowers)
  • Opportunities to experience another culture
  • Public transportation
  • Being able to find all of the ingredients in the store
  • Meow Meow
  • Apple pie
Here are some pictures from the pie-making experience.

(Abby note: OK sorry for all the selfies. I usually don't take so many. We just had to capture the moment,)

If these pictures make you jealous, check out the recipes that we used.

So, in conclusion, we didn’t get to have a typical Thanksgiving dinner, but nonetheless, we got to eat some exquisitely wonderful apple pie. It was delicious. Because we are awesome. Gringa goals. haha we're not that arrogant, but we hope you enjoyed the post and the alliteration. ;)

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