Wednesday, October 21, 2015

New friends, memories and adventures

Dear everyone,
Many many many greetings and a huge hug for each and every one from little me here in Chile. I'm sorry I have been so inconsistent with posting, I have honestly just been very busy!! 

I want to share a wonderful experience I had two weekends ago, and also share about the very unique way in which I celebrated my 18th birthday ;) :D 

The weekend of October 9-11 was very special. Firstly, because there was a "feriado", like a national holiday, so there was no school or anything on the 12th either :D Secondly, it was special because I was invited to a "campamento" in Colina, like a weekend for Schoenstatt girls youth at a shrine called "Valle Hermoso Del Niño Jesús", or "Beautiful Valley of the Child Jesus". This shrine is very special because it was just dedicated last November!! The girls were so wonderful, and welcomed and included me with all their hearts. It was fantastic. Although the weekend started on Friday, I arrived with a few university girls from Providencia (Colina is located just outside Santiago, like 45 minutes from Providencia) on Saturday morning. Over the weekend I had the opportunity to spend time in the shrine, time in the sun, time to get to know my new friends...and also the opportunity to share with the other girls about my Schoenstatt girls youth and Schoenstatt Movement back at home. For once I didn't bring my violin (at first they weren't very happy, but no one asked me, so I didn't bring it! Poor little thing needed a break from being played so often...), but I was asked to sing and one of my songs became one of the hits of the camp. It was cute, all the girls so excited to sing in English. :) 
The first night we slept on the floor of another Schonestatt high school that is in that area, and the second night we slept on the floor of a room in the house by the shrine and had all night adoration in the shrine. I ended up going with a few friends at 3.30am and stayed until 5.30am more or less...needless to say Tuesday when school started up again I was still very tired 😄 
Another fantastic thing about the weekend was the fact that we all got to help clean up the place on Sunday. My group was in charge of cleaning the shrine. We cleaned for about 4 was intense but so special! For once the abundance of Schoenstatt music I have on my phone finally came in handy, as we plugged in my cell to speakers so everyone could jam while working 😉 
All in all it was an unforgettable weekend, and I enjoyed myself SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️
Panorama of the house and shrine. It's so beautiful! And new 😊 
Picnic lunch and singing time.

Supper Saturday night...basically most adorable thing ever. The crowns were for us to wear, by the way.

We walked for about an hour to travel between the shrine and the high school. We went with our banner and singing and all...😄 the theme of the weekend (and with which the girls have been working...) was "Sí Reina, por tu Corona hacia lo más alto!", "Yes Queen, towards the highest for your crown!"
Bonfire behind the shrine! I taught the girls a song/game that we learned in our youth back at home, which they loved and which we did a few more times because they really loved it that much. I think it originally came from Switzerland actually... :)
Adoration begins!!
Me and a few girls outside the shrine. 
Why do we love the shrine? Mine is the one that begins with "ahí"...FYI. 

More creds for the following to my friend Nacha! Perhaps some similar things...but I hope you enjoy!

More pictures of picnic lunch...nearly all our meals were picnic. So much fun :)
 Playing guitar in the chapel of the school where we slept Saturday night.
These two adorable little girls were hanging out with us on Sunday. Laura is wearing Hermana's apron, hence the interesting photo haha.
 Cleaning the shrine!

 Me cleaning the shrine!

I cleaned the interior walls for at least a good was exhausting but so rewarding.

 It just *sparkles* with cleanliness! :D
Running to the shrine! <3
Playing guitar in the newly cleaned shrine <3

And more pictures with the girls! <3 <3 <3

I think this is already a lot to digest. Lots of pictures and words. :) So I will leave you with this and promise to post again soon about my exciting adventure on my birthday last Saturday!
Until soon! Chao!

Con cariño,
Abby <3

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