Monday, August 3, 2015

3...2...1...and tomorrow's the day!

Greetings from Wisconsin, USA! As of Wednesday morning when I land in Chile, I will no longer be able to say that for a while!! These last few weeks of final events, goodbyes and preparations have been incredibly blessed and appreciated, and it's nice to know that I'll be missed, although I'm sure I will be missing everyone too! But I will make sure to enjoy every minute of my trip as well.
Please pray that all goes well this evening (it might be a long night... :P) and tomorrow, and that I arrive safely in Santiago. First flight is from Milwaukee to Dallas (2.5 hours), and then from Dallas to Santiago (about 10 hours...). It'll definitely be an interesting and exciting adventure, and I just can't wait, to be honest!

Here^ is a picture of me, my parents and one side of grandparents at a little gathering we had last week with my mom's extended family. Some of the little girls made me a goodbye sign because I'm leaving. So cute.
I also had the joy of seeing my dad's parents tonight, I wish I had a picture to share!

Once again, say a prayer all goes well, and I pray in thanksgiving for all of you! Love you all.

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