Friday, August 14, 2015

Colegio Mariano de Schoenstatt - My first week of school!

Today was my fifth day of school at CMS (Colegio Mariano de Schoenstatt). It was a really good week, and I'm not just saying that. I really enjoyed it. So many things happened, so many new experiences and adventures. I could talk to you about it for hours, I assure you. But here are a few pictures and some explanations to accompany. Before I continue I want to apologize if my writing is poor, it's that my brain is constantly in Spanish mode and it's hard to switch back sometimes, especially at night or in the early morning.
First of all, CMS is an almost all girls school. That is, they are starting to have boys as well, but the oldest boys at this point are like 4 years old or something. So as far as my life at school goes, it's all girls. So yeah, the school has programs for preschool through high school. Most grades have only one class (called a "curso" or course) but mine has 2 cursos: Tercero Medio A & Tercero Medio B. I am in A, along with 20 or so other girls. Because they are in the southern hemisphere, this is there second semester, so yes, I am in like 11th grade second semester in Chile. Here are a few pictures of the campus. It's in different buildings, and is more or less open, and hence pretty cold.

The first picture is of the front entrance of the school - what I see every morning when I arrive. Our house is 7 houses down the road, which is super convenient. The school day begins at 8 am, which is really nice compared to what I'm used to. The second photo shows the center area of the campus, which I pass through on my way to our classroom. The third picture shows the doorway of our classroom, where we have most of our classes. Everyone in my curso has more or less the same schedule, except for the elective classes or those that are combined with the other curso of 3° Medio (their classroom is photo #5). Photo 4 is the beautiful view of the Andes from the doorway of our room. Aren't they beautiful?! When the sky is blue, even more so. The final two photos show parts of the center area of the campus from the opposite direction, including the old house, which is a beautiful building. 

Here is a picture of our classroom, although it is not such a good photo. I sit in the back corner in a group of three with my new friends Cami and Ampi. In the front of the room you can see the cross, where there is a picture of the Blessed Mother and also of Fr. Kentenich, the founder of Schoenstatt. The really amazing thing is that this photo of Father is 1) a picture of him in Milwaukee! and 2) a copy of the original photo which I have!! It was a gift for my Covenant of Love a few years ago from a Puerto Rican lady who was staying the weekend at our Center in Waukesha, WI. She wanted to give it to me as a Covenant gift, and I think she took the photo herself, or at least was there when it was taken. But I have the original! I still can't believe it. God is good!
The other interesting thing about CMS is that they have a uniform. I have never worn a uniform before, but I really like it. It's so much easier in the mornings, and it's not especially ugly either. It's kinda cute in it's own little way. 

One with my "parka", one with my sweater, one with just the jumper and blouse, and one with the corbatin which I just got yesterday. And you can see two of my friends in the background. I have no idea why she was having her hair curled, so don't ask. ;)
The girls are very nice. At first (Monday) they were excited that a new "gringa" was coming, and excited that I can (usually) understand and speak Spanish, then I think they didn't quite know how to get to know me (that was Tuesday). Wednesday and Thursday they became more comfortable and I as well, and Friday they all thought I was very "seca" with my violin playing ;). "Seca" is basically a chilenismo for cool. Jajaja...
Goodness, there are a million other things I could include about school because there are a million new and interesting things. 
 Picture of the music room. My violin and I are now a part of the song they are rehearsing for an upcoming something. It's a very interesting song...I don't even know how to describe it haha.

Classroom fun. Well, today the girls presented research projects about influential women in history, complete with costumes and all (Isabelle of Castille & Fernando, and then some nuns). 

 Another picture from class, this time from religion class, taught by Hna. M. Lorena. Yesterday there was quite a class discussion that progressed from salvation, to afterlife, to baptism, to apostasy, to abortion, to sin, and it didn't stop until the bell. Poor Sister. It was really interesting to see the girls and their opinions...anyway.
Here are my things ready to go to school while I eat my breakfast. My backpack, my violin, and my little red lunchbox which I received as a gift on my way to the airport and has been really handy! (Shout-out to the person who gave it to me!!). 
My violin has been very useful. Last Sunday I played for Mass with two guys youth. Yesterday I joined in for music class (which is only once a week for an hour and a half), and then had two choir practices. One with a sister and some girls for today's all school Mass (in the spirit of the Assumption tomorrow!), and then in the evening with a choir of mixed guys and girls youth who play for the weekly 7:30pm Sunday youth Mass at the shrine, and for various other things. The choir from today's Mass asked me to join them on Sunday at noon for Mass as well this week (in addition to the evening Mass later that day!). So I think my violin and I will be busy, but I am happy to finally be using it regularly! 
Here is a picture I found on the school's website from Mass today :) I don't remember all the girls' names, but they're super sweet! The sister playing guitar is Hna. María Inés, the person with whom I communicated in order to come here to Chile. She's super seca jajaja :D 

Other pictures from Mass today can be found here. If you want to get an idea of the student body size or see the chapel/hall where Mass is held. 

Bueno, I promise that there is so much more to share, but I don't want to bore you with more details. If you actually read the whole thing up to here, I admire you! I will save more details about general school life and other events from these past days here in Chile as time goes on. For now, thanks for the prayers, and please know I pray for all of you and your families! Greetings from Providencia, Santiago, Chile, South America, Southern/Western Hemispheres, Planet Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe, Hand of God. Which is Providencia. All the same, no matter where I am. 

Love, Abby

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