Thursday, September 17, 2015

Bucket list: survived an earthquake!

Dear all, 

I am very safe and well in Chile, despite the eathquake that we experienced yesterday evening. 
This week we have off school for Fiestas Patrias (Chilean Independence Day) on September 18, and so my Chilean family and I went about 2 hours south to stay at a beautiful place in a "campo" like area. It's a beautiful old house, well not really a house. More like a mansion. It's beautiful though, really, everything antique but in good condition. I feel like I'm in the 19th century haha. 
Anyway, so last night we were in the dining room just starting supper when the Papa said "there's a temblor!" And so we all went outside. Then they told me it wasn't a temblor, it was a terremoto. Basically the difference is the severity of the quake. I wasn't scared at all, I thought it was pretty cool and exciting. I took a video but it was pretty dark. 
Anyway, I'll post again later with pictures and all from this week but just to assure you all that I am safe and well. Please pray for those who did not fare so well, however. For them and for their families. 
Picture of the dining room where we were when it started. 
Selfie on a horse!!

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