Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hi! I'm Abby.

Hi! I'm Abby. And this is my blog. I've never had a blog before, so you're going to have to bear with me. Why am I starting a blog now? Well, I'm going to Chile!
At this point, if you're reading this, you probably already know that. But just in case!! I am going to spend a semester in South America, studying at a school called Colegio Mariano, and living with a family very nearby. Why am I going, you might ask? Well, for many reasons, including

  • to improve my Spanish. I really love languages, especially Spanish, and am considering studying something with languages in college. Hopefully these few months will provide me with an opportunity to learn more Spanish. Woohoo!
  • to experience another culture. At least, be immersed in it for a while. I've been blessed to have gotten to know people from all over the world through the Schoenstatt Movement ( if you aren't familiar. This will come up again in my blog, so you'd better do your research haha ;)), and even had the opportunity to spend a few weeks in Europe last fall, but that's not much compared with a real immersion experience. At least that's what I imagine and what I've been told. We'll find out, right? :)
  • to experience Schoenstatt in a new way. I told you it would come up again, so you'd better check out that link if you don't really know what I'm talking about. Or better yet, comment below or shoot me a text or email, and I can explain a little bit. Well, yeah. Here in Father's Exile land, Schoenstatt is...well it is what it is. And I love it to death. Really. But I hope that through an experience in a country where Schoenstatt has expanded further than it has here, I can be enriched in that way too...
  • And a few other reasons too, but they are more or less related to the above reasons, so I think that's enough for tonight. 
But yeah! Throughout the next months I will try to post as often as I can to share a bit of my adventures...don't worry everyone, the weeks will speed by and I'll be back before you notice I've gone. But in the meantime, I might as well share the adventure with all of you. For afterall, this blog is about the adventures of a little one... :) 
More to come soon! Stay tuned! 

God bless!


  1. You're too cute <3 praying for you, darling!!

  2. I will follow. Have fun in the land of the Unity Cross! Bring back many blessings to your beloved Schoenstatt Youth!
